E1. Welcome to The Nest and Nurture Podcast. The host and psychotherapist, Lisha Cash, provides a brief introduction to this podcast and what you
might expect for the upcoming episodes.
Lisha discusses the goal of this podcast, to share insight, resources and psycho-education about women’s wellness and mental health. Lisha describes what
a psychotherapist is, themes she sees as a women’s wellness therapist and the goal for this podcast going forward.


E2. Lisha describes various ways you can narrow down your search for a therapist that fits. It is important to have some idea of what you’re looking for in terms of
support and what specialization the therapist might possess in order to achieve your therapeutic goals. The primary message here, do not
settle for someone that you feel you cannot be open and vulnerable with. This is your time, money and mental health, and that matters most. 

EPISODE 3: are you a perfectionist?

E3. Lisha delves into the world of perfectionism and how it can be both a positive and negative trait and is well-engrained in our core belief system. At times, perfectionism
can get us very far in certain aspects of our life, but when we experience life transitions, what once served us, may no longer be helpful. It may actually create more
upheaval than good. Tune into this podcast if you want to learn more about perfectionist tendencies, why they are both positive and negative, how to turn down some
of the noise that perfectionist tendencies tend to create internally, and why it is important to do so, for your overall mental health and well-being. 

EPISODE 4: Self-Care “Hot Coffee” Check-in

E4. Do you feel that you’re running on empty, moody, highly reactive, overly emotional? Perhaps you’re burnt out? Lisha delves into the world of self-care, or lack there of.
Have you ever gone your entire day without really sitting down, eating a full meal, drinking enough water and when you finally lay your head on the pillow, everything you
didn’t get a chance to do that day floods your mind. You might simply need a break. Easier said than done, but Lisha has created a self-care gauge to help you notice throughout the day, when you might need to take some time to take a deep breath and engage in some self-care.

EPISODE 5: it’s all about Boundaries

E5. In this episode, Lisha delves into the world of boundaries. We all know we need them, we all have some in our life, but at times, they are too flexible,
too rigid, or need to change based on life circumstances. We generally notice it is time to change a boundary when a big life event occurs, and we find that our
previous boundaries are no longer working within our relationships. It is hard to break a dynamic but Lisha hopes this episode will help you navigate the ways in
which you can understand your boundary tendencies, notice which ones need some changing and who is impacting your boundaries most.

EPISODE 6: Progressive Muscle Relaxation Meditation

E6. Lisha walks you through a progressive muscle relaxation mediation in this episode. This is the perfect mediation to do before you go to bed or
if you’re feeling anxious. It provides you with an opportunity to bring your focus inward, and quiet some of your other thoughts.
This allows the space to be more present, in the moment, to sit with your breath.

EPISODE 7: Perinatal Imposture Syndrome

E7. Impostor syndrome is a hot topic these days but it has not often been discussed in the perinatal context. Lisha delves into this concept and identifies why some may feel
this way, building connections to perceptions of what “maternal” means and addresses ways to move through these feelings in the perinatal period. One thing is for sure, you
are not alone. You may be in a challenging season, but with time, you will build confidence in this new role or life stage.

EPISODE 8: The body Scan Meditation

E7. Impostor syndrome is a hot topic these days but it has not often been discussed in the perinatal context. Lisha delves into this concept and identifies why some may
feel this way, building connections to perceptions of what “maternal” means and addresses ways to move through these feelings in the perinatal period. One thing is for sure,
you are not alone. You may be in a challenging season, but with time, you will build confidence in this new role or life stage.

EPISODE 9: The Default Parent – Part One

In Episode 9 of The Nest & Nurture Podcast, Lisha delves into the role of the Default Parent. Lisha describes what a default parent is, how co-parenting relationships
may have imbalance across different aspects of the life span and how these imbalances can create marital dissatisfaction over time.

EPISODE 10: The Default Parent – Part Two

In Episode 10, Lisha delves back into default parenting and the ways we can change the dynamics within these relationships. It takes awareness, acknowledgment,
communication and shifting expectations, amount other things.

EPISODE 11: Intentional Breathing: Self-Care & Emotion Regulation Tool

E.11 Take a moment, and take a breath. A deep breath. How about five deep breaths. Seems simple enough, right? But we often forget that we are even breathing,
let alone take a moment to have a few intentional breaths. In this episode, Lisha discusses how we can use breath work in the most simple ways to help us regulate emotions
& help our children do so too. She also discusses the need to do our self-care perfectly, even when it comes to breath work and meditation. Lisha wants you to try to
practice breathing unapologetically, without judgement.

EPISODE 12: BE in the Here & Now: Sensory Grounding Technique

In this episode, Lisha helps walk you through a sensory grounding technique that helps bring you back into the present moment. Our brains are processing so many
things in every moment and we are often overstimulated by many different things at once. This exercise provides you with the space to notice and focus on one stimulus
at a time by tuning into your senses. If you have a hard time feeling focuses, experience somatic responses to anxiety or depression, or if you get stuck in flashbacks,
this might be a good technique for you to try. You can adjust this technique to meet your needs. Try it out, and adjust as you see fit.

EPISODE 13: Emotional Prep for Parenthood

In Episode 13, Lisha discusses the importance of preparing emotionally for the postpartum period. Given that we do not have much information about what to expect during
that time, emotional preparation is somewhat limited, but important. Lisha offers some questions to discuss with your partner, that may assist in better understanding
each other’s expectations of the roles and responsibilities in the parenting relationship, as well as, the ways in which you can support each other postpartum and
through this transition. This episode is not just for those in the prenatal period, as it may assist in general conversations within co-parenting relationships.

EPISODE 14: Sitting in Grief: A visualization Meditation

In Episode 14, Lisha walks you through a visualization meditation to assist you in the process of sitting in grief. It is currently Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
and Lisha felt it would be important to provide an exercise to help assist in processing grief and loss. We often move through life, attending to all of our priorities,
without providing the space and time to really sit in grief and allow the feelings to come through to help us process it. Lisha describes the importance of attuning
to your grief, the support people who can assist with this process, and walks you through a visualization to help process the impact loss and grief may have on our
mental health and well-being. This episode is for anyone who hopes to have a space to sit in any form of grief or loss, process, learn and grow. Couple this
session with something that you enjoy, as it can bring many different emotions with it. If you’d like to skip ahead to the visualization meditation,
please start your podcast at 7m47s.